NVIDIA wins Amazon’s KDD Cup on Recommender Systems
NVIDIA recently emerged as the Amazon KDD Cup ’23 winner, a prestigious competition focused on developing state-of-the-art recommendation systems. The team, consisting of five machine...
CfP for ACM TORS Special Issue: Knowledge Transferring for Recommender Systems (KT4Rec)
The ACM Transactions on Recommender Systems (TORS) published a call for papers for its special issue Knowledge Transferring for Recommender Systems (KT4Rec). Guest Editors: The...
Austria is the country with the highest number of top (female) RecSys researchers
We updated our world map of the top recommender-systems researchers, i.e. researchers on the RecSys Steering Committee, or RecSys researchers otherwise strongly involved in the...
3 RecSys Workshops and RecSys KDD Cup at the 2023 KDD conference
KDD is a premier conference and KDD 2023 is also interesting for recommender-systems researchers as it features 3 recommender-systems workshops. Namely, EvalRS2023, A Well-Rounded Evaluation...
List of 18 Workshops at ACM RecSys 2023 published
ACM RecSys released the list of 18 accepted workshops. That’s quite a number, and as high as in 2021. Looking at time, the number of...
Joseph Konstan (Univ. of Minnesota) leads $2m NSF project to help researchers better study AI-powered news recommender systems
The University of Minnesota reports that a team around Joseph Konstan is leading a new $2 million National Science Foundation (NSF) project to create a...
CfP: Special Issue on Responsible Recommender Systems (ACM TIST)
We publish the following Call for Papers for the Special Issue on Responsible Recommender Systems with accepted submissions to be published in the ACM Transactions...
The Web Conference 2023 requires at least one full non-student registration for accepted papers, even for students.
The Web Conference 2023 (formerly WWW) is a notable conference in the field of recommender-systems. This year, the conference chairs decided that authors of accepted...
Volume 1, Issue 1 of ACM TORS published
Congratulations are in place: A few days ago, volume 1, issue 1 of the ACM Transactions on Recommender Systems was published. The issue consists of...
Which researchers have made the most significant advancements in recommender system research? (ChatGPT)
My prediction is that in the foreseeable future, researchers will not only worry about their Google Scholar profile but also about what ChatGPT (or similar...