YouTube announces a customizable “For You” recommendations section on channels
YouTube announced on X (Twitter) that they are about to introduce a new “For You” section in channels’ home tabs. These tabs recommend a mix...
Amnesty International warns that TikTok’s recommendations push children towards harmful mental health
In a press release and two reports (Driven into Darkness and “I feel Exposed”), Amnesty International strongly criticizes the recommender system of TikTok. I have...
2023 ACM RecSys Conference with the lowest number of industry sponsors since 2015
The 17th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (ACM RecSys) in Singapore has ended some weeks ago. Like every year, there were many amazing presentations, and...
The Impact of the Digital Services Act (DSA) on Recommender Systems [Mozilla]
Mozilla and Verfassungsblog have released an interesting article on how the European Union’s Digital Service Act (DSA) may impact recommender systems. Here is a summary...
YouTube changes content recommendations to enhance ‘Teen Wellbeing’
James Beser, Director of Product Management YouTube Kids and Youth, reports that YouTube has updated its recommender system to better cater to the needs of...
The first Dutch-Belgian Workshop on Recommender Systems
I have been advocating more ‘local’ initiatives to connect the regional recommender-systems communities for a long time (e.g. I am still hoping for a European...
‘Microsoft Recommenders’ + ‘Linux Foundation of AI and Data’ = ‘recommenders-team’
Microsoft Recommenders was introduced a few years ago, and it provided guidelines and a collection of software libraries relating to recommender systems. Today I found...
CfP: ACM TORS Special Issue on Large Language Models for Recommender Systems (LLM4RecSys)
ACM Transactions on Recommender Systems announced a call for papers for a special issue on Large Language Models for Recommender Systems, with the guest editors...
Stats on Submitted & Accepted Papers and Acceptance Rate at the ACM Recommender Systems Conference until 2023
Update 13-11-2023: I added the numbers for 2023 The ACM Conference on Recommender Systems regularly releases numbers relating to its acceptance rate. We visualized the...
Big Update of our RecSys Conference Calendar
We updated our conference calendar with the latest dates and locations for all major conferences relating to recommender systems, including SIGIR, UMAP, CIKM, SIGCHI, and...