12th Italian Information Retrieval Workshop (IIR 2022)
I actually wasn´t really aware of this, but there is a yearly information retrieval workshop in Italy, the “12th Italian Information Retrieval Workshop”. This year,...
The “ACM Transactions on Recommender Systems” (ACM TORS) is revealed during the ACM RecSys Conference 2021
A new milestone in the history of recommender systems is being announced: At this very minute, Dietmar Jannach reveals at the ACM RecSys Conference 2021...
ACM SAC 2022 with “Track on Recommender Systems: Theory, User Interactions & Applications”
The 37th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (ACM SAC) has a dedicated track on recommender systems, like in many of the previous years. ACM SAC...
Bachelor & Master programs
Sadly, we are not aware of any Bachelor or Master programs that specialize in recommender systems (Do you know any? Let us know!). If you...
Recommender-Systems Text Books
If you are new to recommender systems, a text-book may be a good starting point. We would particularly recommend the following three textbooks. Book descriptions...