Study & Learn

Recommender-Systems Text Books

If you are new to recommender systems, a text-book may be a good starting point. We would particularly recommend the following three textbooks. Book descriptions are from Amazon, sometimes extended by our own comments. Recommender Systems Handbook (2nd edt.; 2015) The third edition (2022) has just been published by Springer. Written/Edited by Francesco Ricci, Lior...

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Summer Schools

A great opportunity to learn about recommender systems and build your network are summer schools. Unfortunately, there are only few summer schools on recommender systems and rather infrequently (If you know of other recommender-system summer schools, please let us know). ACM Summer School on Recommender Systems The ACM Conference on Recommender Systems occasionally has a...

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Online Courses On Recommender Systems

A bit more motivating and interactive than textbooks are online courses about recommender systems. On this page, you find a list of recommender-system courses. Course descriptions are copied from the MOOC's websites. Coursera Recommender Systems Specialization This course is offered by Joseph A Konstan and Michael D Ekstrand, two highly renowned professors in the recommender-system...

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Blogs & News

We are not aware of any other blogs or news websites that have a strong focus on recommender systems. Besides RS_c, your best option for news relating to recommender systems is probably Twitter and the hashtag #recsys, and for a more academic focus creating alerts and conducting regular searches on Google Scholar, SemanticScholar, ResearchGate, and...

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Bachelor & Master programs

Sadly, we are not aware of any Bachelor or Master programs that specialize in recommender systems (Do you know any? Let us know!). If you have a strong interest in recommender systems, then your best bet would be a university at which a relatively large number of faculty specialize in recommender systems. They likely will...

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Project Ideas for Bachelor/Master/PhD theses

The key to a successful Bachelor's, Master's and Ph.D. thesis is an interesting topic. Ideally, your supervisor has an inspiring idea, but if not, free to browse through the following ideas. If you choose one of the ideas, please attribute the author of the idea when writing your thesis. Also, have a look at our...

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Wikis & Curated Collections

There are a few sources on the Web where you find great collections of datasets, code, and advice. Some of them are listed here, let us know if something is missing. Microsoft Recommenders A nice and relatively recent collection of recommender-system tools and best practice guidelines maintained by different persons at Microsoft. To the best...

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Tutorials & 101’s

There are probably hundreds if not thousands of recommender systems tutorials (see Google) and introductions to recommender systems (see Google). A few notable tutorials and 101's, of which we reported in our blog, are listed in the remainder. Microsoft introduces a machine-learning lecture/tutorials Microsoft launched a 12-week, 24-lesson curriculum for machine learning. They cover the...

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Case Studies

Case Study on how VistaPrint uses Amazon Personalize for product recommendations Nothing mind-blowing, but a nice read if you have some time: A blog post by VistaPrint on how they use Amazon Personalize for creating personalized product recommendations. Here is a summary of the blog post: VistaPrint, part of Cimpress, serves millions of small businesses...

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While many online courses like Coursera issue a certificate after completion of a module, there are also "more advanced" certificates in some areas. For instance, Google offers a "Professional Machine Learning Engineer" certificate and so does Amazon AWS Machine Learning. However, we are not aware of any Recommender System Certificate. Are you? Let us know!

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