RecSys Summer School 2023
Great news for PhD and Master students: in 2023, there will be a recommender-systems summer school (the last one was in 2019). This year’s summer...
Public Photo/Video Drop & View for the ACM RecSys Conference 2022
Update 2024-11-15: View all our 158 photos from ACM RecSys 2022 here. Note: The photos were available for a limited time and have since been...
2nd AutoML Fall School 2022 in Freiburg, Germany
Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) is relevant for recommender systems as AutoML is concerned with the automatic selection and tuning of algorithms; a topic of crucial...
6th International Summer School on ‘Resource-aware Machine Learning’ in Dortmund (Sept. 2022)
Given the importance of machine learning for recommender-systems, this summer school may be interesting to people in the recommender-systems community: The 6th Resource-aware Machine Learning...
CfP: 16th ACM International WSDM Conference
The 16th ACM WSDM Conference will take place in Singapore, from 27 February until 3 March 2023. Recommender-Systems submissions are welcome. Submissions are due 12th...
12th Italian Information Retrieval Workshop (IIR 2022)
I actually wasn´t really aware of this, but there is a yearly information retrieval workshop in Italy, the “12th Italian Information Retrieval Workshop”. This year,...
Call for Papers: Special Issue on Data Science for Next-Generation Recommender Systems
The International Journal of Data Science and Analytics released a call for papers for a special issue on recommender systems. The deadline is June 30th,...
Special Issue CfP: “Perspectives on Recommender Systems Evaluation” in ACM TORS
ACM TORS has released its first call for papers for the special issue “Perspectives in Recommender Systems Evaluation”. 1...
115 Recommender-Systems Papers accepted at SIGIR 2022
The 45th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2022) released the list of accepted papers. It contains a total...
Accepted RecSys Papers & RecSys Bias Workshop at the ECIR2022 Conference
The 44th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR) is starting in a few days, and there will be lots of interesting presentations relating to recommender...