CfP: 16th ACM International WSDM Conference
The 16th ACM WSDM Conference will take place in Singapore, from 27 February until 3 March 2023. Recommender-Systems submissions are welcome. Submissions are due 12th August 2022. As always, we added the dates to our RS_c conference calendar.
WSDM (pronounced “wisdom”) is one of the premier conferences on web-inspired research involving search and data mining. The 16th ACM International WSDM Conference will take place in Singapore (in-person conference with virtual elements), from February 27 to March 3, 2023.
WSDM is a highly selective conference that includes refereed full papers as well as invited talks. It publishes original, high-quality papers related to search and data mining on the Web and the Social Web, with an emphasis on practical yet principled approaches. Original papers emphasizing novel algorithmic approaches are particularly encouraged. Application-oriented papers that make innovative technical contributions to research are welcome. Visionary papers on new and emerging topics are also encouraged.
Authors are explicitly discouraged from submitting papers that do not clearly present their contribution with respect to previous works, that contain only incremental results, and that do not provide significant advances over existing approaches. The conference publishes papers in the areas below, with example topics listed for each area.
Web Search: Algorithms for web-scale search, adversarial search, search user interfaces, distributed search, multimedia web search, crosslingual search, query analysis and processing, search benchmarking and evaluation, search user behavior and log analysis.
Web Mining and Content Analysis: Crawling and indexing web content, web recommender systems and algorithms, clustering, classification and summarization of web data, data, entity, event and relationship extraction, large-scale graph analysis, semantic search and faceted search, multimodal data mining, web traffic and log analysis, web measurements.
Web of Things, Ubiquitous and Mobile Computing: Geo-location data analysis, mobility and behavior data mining, location-based social networks, user activity modeling and exploitation. Privacy, Fairness, Interpretability: Fairness and accountability in ranking, recommendations and advertising, Explainability in web systems, Model and algorithm transparency, Interpretable models of individual and social behavior, Web search and data mining under privacy constraints.
Social Networks: Link prediction and community detection, social network analysis, computational social science, influence and viral marketing in social networks, social sensing, searching social and real-time content, social network dynamics, sampling, experiments and evaluation in social networks, social media analysis: blogs and friendship networks, social reputation and trust.
Intelligent Assistants: Voice search, conversational search, and dialog systems, personal assistants, dialogue models, and conversational interaction, task-driven search, zero-query and implicit search.
Crowdsourcing and Human Computation: Collaborative search and question answering, human-in-the-loop and collaborative human-AI systems. Emerging Applications: Monitoring and prevention of epidemics, mental health and well-being support systems, systems and algorithms for urban applications, online education systems, web mining for social good.