Google Podcast gets Personalized Audio News Recommendations [Liz Gannes @ Google]
“Your News Update” is coming to Google Podcast as announced by Liz Gannes, Product Manager News at Google. “Your News Update” was originally introduced in...
Facebook documents its recommender system — a little bit. [Sarah Perez @ Techcrunch]
Facebook has not been very open about how its recommender system works exactly. This may be about to change though. Today, Techcrunch announced that Facebook...
Bingie is an app for all your streaming recommendations and debates [Anthony Ha @ TechCrunch]
If you’re overwhelmed trying to choose the next movie or TV show to watch on Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, HBO Max or any other streaming service, Bingie could be...
Google Assistant app now uses your searches to make personalized recommendations [Sarah Perez @ TechCrunch]
Google is revamping its two-year old “Snapshot” feature in Google Assistant for iOS and Android. The company in 2018 had first introduced Google Assistant Snapshot as a...
Fraunhofer plans to create a center for AI (including RecSys) for the energy sector
According to PV Magazine, the German Fraunhofer Association is planning to create a new centre for artificial intelligence for energy systems. The goal of the...
Techtiefen: Recommender Systems (German Podcast by Heise)
Heise Online, Germany’s probably best IT magazine, introduced a podcast series “Techtiefen” “for nerds from nerds”, already a while go. In its most recent episode,...
“Recommendation” is the most popular term at the SIGIR 2020 conference — time for a joint ACM SIGIR & RecSys Conference?
SIGIR 2020 is the premier venue for research in the field of Information Retrieval. I am typically on the program committee at SIGIR. Recently, i.e....
CORE Conference Ranking 2020 Removes JCDL and other Digital Library Conferences from its Database
The ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL) is the premier conference in the field of digital libraries and, besides the ACM RecSys, a good...
Scalable Recommender Systems with NVTabular- A Fast Tabular Data Loading and Transformation Library [Ronay Ak @ Medium]
Ronay Ak et al. from RapidsAI wrote a nice in-depth post on how to use NVIDIA´s NVTabular to develop a recommender system that works with...
RecSys Wiki is back online
After a bit more than 2 years of downtime, RecSys Wiki is back online. RecSys Wiki was established in 2011 by Alan Said (and others?)...