Facebook Quietly Suspended Political Group Recommendations Ahead Of The US Presidential Election [BuzzFeed]
A few days before the US election, Facebook deactivated its recommender system for political content, according to BuzzFeed (Ryan Mac & Craig Silverman). Interestingly, this...
Big tech’s ‘blackbox’ [recommendation] algorithms face regulatory oversight under EU plans [Natasha Lomas @ TechCrunch]
The EU plans to require large tech firms to disclose how their algorithms work, including recommendations algorithms, reports Natasha Lomas from TechCrunch. In a speech today Commission...
“Recommendation Engines”, a new book on recommender systems by Michael Schrage
There is a new textbook on recommender systems, titled simply “Recommendation Engines“. The author is Michael Schrage. He has a business background and, to the...
arXiv now has a recommender system, provided by CORE
arXiv — the preprint repository — and CORE — no, not the Australian conference and journal ranking but the “world’s largest collection of open access...
‘River’, a privacy-preserving news recommender system app, raises $10 million [Kyle Wiggers @ VentureBeat]
River today launched its eponymous social media app, which is designed to organize conversations into streams of shareable stories. The startup also announced a $10.4 million...
‘Papers with Code’ partners with arXiv to increase reproducibility
This is exciting news, not only for the recommender-system community but many more: Robert Stojnic announced that Papers with Code partners with arXiv. Pre-Prints on...
StrainBrain: A Recommender System for Weed
I just stumbled upon StrainBrain, a Cannabis Strain Recommendation Engine. According to their website, they are supported, among others, by Google Cloud for Start-Ups. The...
Amazon’s so-far private Machine Learning ‘University’ offers courses for everyone
Douglas Gantenbein from Amazon announced that Amazon would publish some machine learning courses. So far, these courses were only available to Amazon staff. There will...
Spotify Re-Releases its Million-Playlist Dataset from the RecSys Challenge 2018
In 2018, Spotify co-organized the ACM RecSys Challenge and provided a massive dataset of 1 million playlists consisting of 2 million tracks by around 300,000...
LinkedIn introduces “GDMix”, a deep ranking personalization framework
Jun Shi from LinkedIn announced the release of GDMix (GitHub), a deep ranking personalization framework. GDMix stands for Generalized Deep Mixed Model and is… a solution...