CORE Conference Ranking 2020 Removes JCDL and other Digital Library Conferences from its Database
The ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL) is the premier conference in the field of digital libraries and, besides the ACM RecSys, a good choice for publishing work related to research-paper recommender systems, citation recommenders, venue recommendation systems, reviewer assignment problem etc.
Until recently, the CORE Conference Ranking listed JCDL as an A* conference.

However, the recently released 2020 database does not list the JCDL conference anymore.

It seems that CORE has decided to remove all conferences from its ranking that focus on (digital) libraries.

This includes the JCDL as well as the International Conference of Asian Digital Libraries (ICADL). This Google Sheet lists all the changes

In my opinion, this is a real pity. The JCDL is an excellent conference and a large proportion of the published research papers very clearly and very strongly relate to computer science. Excluding JCDL from CORE will make it less attractive to computer scientists.