Could Google passage indexing be leveraging BERT? [Dawn Anderson @SearchEngineLand]
Google’s language model BERT has (and still is) created some attention in the NLP and Search community when it was released in 2018, and incorporated...
Spotify Re-Releases its Million-Playlist Dataset from the RecSys Challenge 2018
In 2018, Spotify co-organized the ACM RecSys Challenge and provided a massive dataset of 1 million playlists consisting of 2 million tracks by around 300,000...
LinkedIn introduces “GDMix”, a deep ranking personalization framework
Jun Shi from LinkedIn announced the release of GDMix (GitHub), a deep ranking personalization framework. GDMix stands for Generalized Deep Mixed Model and is… a solution...
TensorFlow introduces ‘TensorFlow Recommenders’ (TFRS)
This is big news for the recommender-system community: Maciej Kula and James Chen from Google Brain announce TensorFlow Recommenders (TFRS), an official recommender-systems package for...
Oracle announces Tribuo, a Java machine-learning library [Adam Pocock @ Oracle]
Adam Pocock from Oracle announced the public release of Oracle’s so-far in-house machine-learning library Tribuo. The library is not specifically designed for recommender-systems. Yet, it...
TensorFlow introduces a new ‘end-to-end’ solution for on-device recommendations with TFLite
Ellie Zhou, Tian Lin, Cong Li, Shuangfeng Li, and Sushant Prakash from TensorFlow announced in a blog post that they open-source an end-to-end solution for...
50% of the best-paper awards at KDD 2020 go to recommender-systems papers
KDD 2020 has announced its best-paper awards. Out of the 4 awards (3 research track, 1 applied data science track), 2 papers are related to...
Scalable Recommender Systems with NVTabular- A Fast Tabular Data Loading and Transformation Library [Ronay Ak @ Medium]
Ronay Ak et al. from RapidsAI wrote a nice in-depth post on how to use NVIDIA´s NVTabular to develop a recommender system that works with...
Recommender-System on a Chip? Google lets you design your own (RecSys?) chip architecture — for free. [Philipp Wagner @ FOSSi]
Google and efabless announce that they would let anybody to design their own chip architectures and manufacture those chips free of charge. Maybe it is...
Building Personal Recommender Systems with Milvus and PaddlePaddle [Milvus@Medium]
In this article we use PaddlePaddle, a deep learning platform from Baidu, to build a model and combine Milvus, a vector similarity search engine, to...