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‘AutoML’ is growing up with a summer school and dedicated conference
July 23, 2021
At this minute, the AutoML Workshop 2021 at the ICML conference is running. And one of the organizers, Frank Hutter, announced an AutoML Summer School and the first dedicated AutoML Conference (no website yet). In other words, the AutoML community is growing up.
While we report in this blog about recommender systems, AutoML is also highly relevant for the recommender-system community. AutoML is about automatically selecting, configuring, and even designing the best (machine learning) algorithms. Given the difficulty in selecting recommendation algorithms, the AutoML summer school, workshops, and conferences are highly relevant for the RecSys researchers, too.
I am the founder of Recommender-Systems.com and head of the Intelligent Systems Group (ISG) at the University of Siegen, Germany https://isg.beel.org. We conduct research in recommender-systems (RecSys), personalization and information retrieval (IR) as well as on automated machine learning (AutoML), meta-learning and algorithm selection. Domains we are particularly interested in include smart places, eHealth, manufacturing (industry 4.0), mobility, visual computing, and digital libraries.
We founded or maintain, among others, LensKit-Auto, Darwin & Goliath, Mr. DLib, and Docear, each with thousand of users; we contributed to TensorFlow, JabRef and others; and we developed the first prototypes of automated recommender systems (AutoSurprise and Auto-CaseRec) and Federated Meta Learning (FMLearn Server and Client).