Green Recommender Systems: A Call for Attention
Recommender systems are a cornerstone of many industries, from e-commerce to streaming services. Their role in shaping user choices is significant, driving customer engagement and...
Dagstuhl Seminar 24211: Evaluation Perspectives of Recommender Systems — Driving Research and Education
Recommender-Systems Evaluation is and maybe always has been a challenge. The Dagstuhl Seminar 24211 attempted to improve the current state of recommender-systems evaluation, and as...
Die Maschine Empfiehlt / Recommended by algorithms (Press Release Siegen U)
The University of Siegen published a news article (see screenshot) and press release about my work on self-learning automated recommender systems as-a-service. Professor Dr. Jöran...
Real-World Recommender Systems for Academia: The Pain and Gain in Building, Operating, and Researching them [Beel & Dinesh]
The article “Real-World Recommender Systems for Academia: The Pain and Gain in Building, Operating, and Researching Them” provides an in-depth look into the practical and...
The “ACM Transactions on Recommender Systems” (ACM TORS) is revealed during the ACM RecSys Conference 2021
A new milestone in the history of recommender systems is being announced: At this very minute, Dietmar Jannach reveals at the ACM RecSys Conference 2021...
ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL) 2022 has a RecSys Track
The ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries has announced its call for papers 2022. The so-far A*-ranked conference has a dedicated ‘Search & Recommendation’ track... (RS_c) will be the ACM Recommender Systems Conference 2020
I am delighted to announce that my demo paper introducing RS_c has been accepted for publication at the 14th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems. I...