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The ACM RecSys Conference becomes an ‘A’ Conference
June 8, 2021
For many years, the ACM RecSys conference — the premier conference for recommender systems — was considered a ‘B’ conference. Now, finally, the popular CORE ranking, lists the ACM Conference as an ‘A’ conference. This is a well deserved promotion and great news for the recommender system community. So far, if someone had a top-paper relating to recommender systems, it was always a question of where to submit the paper to. To the ACM RecSys conference, which was the most relevant conference in terms of audience? Or to some other conference with a better ranking?
In the future, it will be a no brainer to what conference to submit a good recommender-systems article to.
I am the founder of Recommender-Systems.com and head of the Intelligent Systems Group (ISG) at the University of Siegen, Germany https://isg.beel.org. We conduct research in recommender-systems (RecSys), personalization and information retrieval (IR) as well as on automated machine learning (AutoML), meta-learning and algorithm selection. Domains we are particularly interested in include smart places, eHealth, manufacturing (industry 4.0), mobility, visual computing, and digital libraries.
We founded or maintain, among others, LensKit-Auto, Darwin & Goliath, Mr. DLib, and Docear, each with thousand of users; we contributed to TensorFlow, JabRef and others; and we developed the first prototypes of automated recommender systems (AutoSurprise and Auto-CaseRec) and Federated Meta Learning (FMLearn Server and Client).