The ACM RecSys Conference introduces major changes to the submission process (no short-papers; response phase; ethics)

Alain Starke, Publicity Co-Chair of the ACM Recommender System Conference 2021, announced a few major changes to the submission process.

  1. There won’t be a short-paper track anymore. Instead, authors are encouraged to submit papers of any length (up to 14 pages). The length should “reflect what is needed for the content of the research, and reviewers should assess whether the contribution is appropriate for the given length.”
  2. For the first time, there will be a “Response Phase” in which authors can reply with up to 1000 characters to reviewers’ reviews. The response will be taken into account by the meta-reviewer.
  3. Authors are encouraged to add an “Ethical Implication” section, where appropriate.

In my opinion, especially the Response Phase is great news. It should help to make the review process a lot fairer. I am not so sure about the removal of the short-paper track. However, time will tell, and generally it’s great to see that the ACM RecSys conference is experimenting with new formats and processes.

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