ICML 2020. Comprehensive analysis of authors, organizations, and countries [Sergei Ivanov @ Medium / Criteo]
June 22, 2020
Sergei Ivanov published a nice analysis of the authors, affiliations and countries of the ICML 2020 conference.
ICML is one of the most important conferences in Machine Learning and therefore it’s interesting to see who publishes at this conference. So I looked at the accepted papers for ICML 2020 and analyzed authors, organizations, and countries that participated this year. The conference will take place virtually from 13th to 18th July in 2020.
He also published the code — so, maybe someone could do the same for the ACM Recommender Systems conference?
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About The Author
Joeran Beel
Founder of Recommender-Systems.com (RS_c) and Professor of Intelligent Systems at the University of Siegen, Germany