PodRecs@RecSys2020: Workshop on Podcast Recommendations
March 24, 2020
In 2019, 51% of the United States population had listened to at least one podcast, according to Edison Research’s “Infinite Dial 2019” research study. The percentage of people who listened to a podcast within the last month was 32%, an increase of 23% over the year before. Podcast search engine Listen Notes claims there are over 900,000 podcast shows and over 60,000,000 podcast episodes available through public RSS feeds. Market research firm Omdia forecasts that global podcast advertising revenue will nearly triple over the next five years to total $4.5bn in 2024, and that the number of global podcast monthly listeners will more than double to reach 2.2 billion in 2024.
More: https://sites.google.com/view/podrecs2020/