MultiStePS@UMAP2020: Workshop on Personalization for Multi-stakeholder Public Services
Nowadays, with the digital revolution and the increasing popularity and adoption of e-government initiatives, public agencies from all over the world are implementing fully digital communication, participation and collaboration services in areas like health, education, security, cultural heritage and tourism. Citizens are getting more and more familiar with these services in a variety of tasks, such as choosing the primary school for a child, reserving a visit with a doctor, or asking for administrative support. In this context, personalization can play a key role to identify relevant, contextually dependent, information and can be used to make public services more usable, fair and respectful of user privacy.

Furthermore, service providers are usually not competing with other providers and their operational goals are often aligned with the users’ ones: public managers and citizens in e-government, doctors, hospital staff and patients in public e-health, culture agencies, leisure companies and city visitors in e-tourism, and instructors, students and parents in e-education. This is a rather new scenario for multi-stakeholder personalized systems as the majority of existing solutions have been designed for more classical e-commerce applications, e.g., multimedia content streaming. Hence, there is an urgent need to discuss how personalization techniques, such as those used in recommender systems or conversational bots, can better support the development of public services.