NVIDIA wins Amazon’s KDD Cup on Recommender Systems
NVIDIA recently emerged as the Amazon KDD Cup ’23 winner, a prestigious competition focused on developing state-of-the-art recommendation systems. The team, consisting of five machine...
How Nvidia spams the Twitter #RecSys feed
Nvidia has done a lot for the recommender-systems community. That does though, unfortunately, not prevent Nvidia from spamming the Twitter #RecSys feed. The Twitter #RecSys feed...
How to win the SIGIR eCommerce Challenge with Transformers (Gabriel Moreira / NVIDIA)
The NVIDIA team performed well on the Session-based recommendation task of the SIGIR eCommerce Coveo Data Challenge 2021. NVIDIA achieved 1st place on the ‘Subsequent...
Why isn’t your recommender system training faster on GPU? [Even Oldridge @NVIDIA]
Even Oldridge from NVIDIA Merlin has written a blog post about Why isn’t your recommender system training faster on GPU? (And what can you do...
NVIDIA Team wins the ACM RecSys Challenge 2020
It seems that NVIDIA becomes a new big player in the recommender-system community. After introducing Merlin – a Framework for Deep Recommender Systems – and...
NVIDIA launches “Building Intelligent Recommender Systems” online course
NVIDIA announced in their Blog to offer several new online courses, one of them about Building Intelligent Recommender Systems. The courses are taught by James...
Announcing NVIDIA Merlin: An Application Framework for Deep Recommender Systems [NVIDIA Blog]
Recommender systems drive every action that you take online, from the selection of this web page that you’re reading now to more obvious examples like...
ZenDNN v5.0: A Major Step Forward for Recommender Systems Researchers and Developers
On November 15, 2024, AMD released ZenDNN v5.0, the latest deep neural network library version. This update delivers hardware-specific optimizations, including support for Zen5 EPYC™...
Green Recommender Systems: A Call for Attention
Recommender systems are a cornerstone of many industries, from e-commerce to streaming services. Their role in shaping user choices is significant, driving customer engagement and...
Industry Sponsors of the ACM RecSys Conference over the Years / Quiz (Predict sponsors for 2022: Win Beer or Wine)
The ACM RecSys Conference 2021 has just started, and a large number of companies support the conference including Google, Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, Twitter, Ebay, Spotify,...