Dagstuhl Seminar 24211: Evaluation Perspectives of Recommender Systems — Driving Research and Education
Recommender-Systems Evaluation is and maybe always has been a challenge. The Dagstuhl Seminar 24211 attempted to improve the current state of recommender-systems evaluation, and as...
Algorithms aren’t fair. Robin Burke wants to change that. [Press Release Colorado U]
The University of Colorado Boulder released a press release about the well-known recommender-systems researcher Robin Burke, titled “Algorithms aren’t fair. Robin Burke wants to change...
The “ACM Transactions on Recommender Systems” (ACM TORS) is revealed during the ACM RecSys Conference 2021
A new milestone in the history of recommender systems is being announced: At this very minute, Dietmar Jannach reveals at the ACM RecSys Conference 2021...
How to (Not?) Plagiarize: An Example of Plagiarism by Vipul Vekariya & Gautam R. Kulkarni
Plagiarism is a phenomenon that I sometimes observe among my students and I have to admit that students can be surprisingly creative when it comes...