Why is there no ‘International Journal on Recommender Systems’?
The data mining community has it, the information retrieval community has it, and the machine learning & AI community has it: (top) journals. It seems that only the recommender-system community has no journal, exclusively for its community. Top recommender-system articles beyond the ~8-page limit for the ACM RecSys Conference hence are scattered across many different journals.
So, why is there no Recommender Systems Journal; ACM Transactions on Recommender Systems; International Journal of Recommender Systems; Recommender Systems Magazine; Recommender Systems Review; Recommender Systems Letters; Recommender Systems Bulletin; or simply ‘Recommender Systems‘?
Is the community too small? Is there simply no need? Is the ‘competition’ by the established e.g. ML journals too big?
What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments and vote in the poll.