‘Codespaces’: GitHub Offers Code Hosting for Recommender System Development (and other Software Projects)
Developing recommender-systems takes a lot of time and is usually a collaborative effort including software architectures, software and machine learning engineers, software testers and researchers.
To ease working collaboratively on code for recommender systems (and any other software), GitHub introduces Codespaces.
Codespaces gives you a fully-featured, cloud-hosted dev environment that spins up in seconds, directly within GitHub, so you can start contributing to a project right away.
Codespaces can be configured to load your code and dependencies, developer tools, extensions, and dotfiles. Switching between environments is simple—you can navigate away at any time, and when you switch back, your codespace is automatically reopened.
Powered by Visual Studio technology, Codespaces in GitHub include a browser-based version of the full VS Code editor, with support for code completion and navigation, extensions, terminal access, and more. If you prefer to use your desktop IDE, you’ll be able to start a codespace in GitHub and connect to it from your desktop.

Pricing for Codespaces has not yet been finalized. Code-editing functionality in GitHub will always be free, but if you use Codespaces cloud environments, we plan to offer simple pay-as-you-go pricing. Codespaces will be free to use during the limited beta
Learn more at https://github.com/features/codespaces/