Controversial Ideas & Discussions

In our blog, we once in a while publish controversial ideas of which we believe that a discussion may advance the recommender-system community.

These blog posts a as follows.

When will the ACM RecSys Conference have a rebuttal phase (again)?

Update 2024-02-26: I just learned that the ACM RecSys Conference 2024 will also have a rebuttal period. Awesome! NeurIPS has it, the AutoML Conference has it, CHI has it (kind of), and many other conferences as well — a ‘rebuttal’ or ‘author’s response’ phase. The rebuttal phase of a conference takes place after the reviewers […]

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Don’t give space billionaires control over internet services and recommendations [Financial Times]

J Scott Christianson argues in a letter published by Financial Times (PayWall), that Elon Musk should not be given so much power about internet services, including recommender systems.

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“Recommendation” is the most popular term at the SIGIR 2020 conference — time for a joint ACM SIGIR & RecSys Conference?

SIGIR 2020 is the premier venue for research in the field of Information Retrieval. I am typically on the program committee at SIGIR. Recently, i.e. for 2 years or so, I had the feeling that submissions relating to recommender systems strongly increased at SIGIR, especially this year. My impression seems to be confirmed today: According […]

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Why is there no ‘International Journal on Recommender Systems’?

The data mining community has it, the information retrieval community has it, and the machine learning & AI community has it: (top) journals. It seems that only the recommender-system community has no journal, exclusively for its community. Top recommender-system articles beyond the ~8-page limit for the ACM RecSys Conference hence are scattered across many different […]

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‘Papers with Code’ / NeurIPS Guidelines for Publishing Research Code: A Role Model For Recommender-Systems?

The recommender-system community is facing a reproducibility crisis. This has recently been demonstrated by the authors of the paper Are we really making much progress? A worrying analysis of recent neural recommendation approaches (Maurizio Ferrari Dacrema, Paolo Cremonesi, Dietmar Jannach). However, the crisis is not new, and has been recognized (at least) a decade ago […]

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Why are there no continental chapters of the ACM Conference on Recommender Systems? E.g. the Asian or European Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSysAsia / RecSysEU)?

The number of submissions and participants at the ACM Conference on Recommender Systems is increasing, year by year. Sometimes, the conference is even sold out or moves short-notice to a new larger venue. Acceptance rates decreased from 46% in its first year (2007) to below 20% in recent years. Among the rejected papers, there are […]

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