Zalando publishes its RESTful API and Event Guidelines

It’s a bit off-topic, but since APIs have some relevance for recommender systems, this is worthwhile news*: Zalando – one of the world’s largest fashion retailers and quite active in the recommender-system community – released its guidelines for the development of RESTful APIs.

I know from my own experience (e.g. through guest lectures in my classes given by developers of Zalando), that Zalando considers APIs as absolutely critical for business success, and they spend a lot of time improving their APIs. I also designed some APIs for recommender systems myself (e.g. Mr. DLib and Darwin & Goliath), and know firsthand how challenging this is. Their guidelines hence, are a very nice read for anyone who is interested in APIs. Read more:

* I am not sure how new this news is. I just stumbled upon it, and it may be that the guidelines are already public for a long time.

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