Why are there no continental chapters of the ACM Conference on Recommender Systems? E.g. the Asian or European Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSysAsia / RecSysEU)?
The number of submissions and participants at the ACM Conference on Recommender Systems is increasing, year by year. Sometimes, the conference is even sold out...
Google medical researchers humbled when AI screening tool falls short in real-life testing [Devin Coldeway @TechCrunch]
Google achieved great ‘theoretical accuracy’ on the detection of diabetic retinopathy. However, in the real-world their approach didn’t perform so well. While this is not...
Building Recommender Systems, An Introductory List [Arnie B. @Flipboard]
Here is a curated collection of my favourite posts for people starting out in recommender systems and personalization. This was created in preparation for our...
How to (Not?) Plagiarize: An Example of Plagiarism by Vipul Vekariya & Gautam R. Kulkarni
Plagiarism is a phenomenon that I sometimes observe among my students and I have to admit that students can be surprisingly creative when it comes...
Survey of Privacy-Preserving Collaborative Filtering [Elnabarawy et al.]
Collaborative filtering recommendation systems provide recommendations to users based on their own past preferences, as well as those of other users who share similar interests....
Why Recommendations On Netflix, Amazon, Or WeChat Could Be More Influential Than You Think [Forbes]
“When’s the last time you saw a movie in a cinema? How about the last time you watched a movie on Netflix? If you’re like...
RS_Datasets: Download, Unpack and Read Recommender Systems Datasets into pandas.DataFrame [Darel13712]
rs_datasets “allows you [to] download, unpack and read recommender systems datasets into pandas.DataFrame as easy as data = Dataset().The following datasets are available for automatic...
Covid-19 Open Source Project Recommender [Adam Barnhard@TowardsDataScience]
Adam Barnhard “built a COVID-19 Project Recommendation System to help people discover open source projects in the community. [He had] been inspired by how much...
Watchworthy’s personalized TV recommendation app will help you find your next binge [TechCrunch]
Ranker, an online publisher that turns crowdsourced lists and fan rankings into a data business, is now turning its attention to the world of streaming...
The RecSys Challenge 2020 will be organized by Politecnico di Bari, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, TU Wien, University of Colorado, Boulder, and Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, and sponsored by Twitter....